My First Scarf Post
I emailed my pal to ask some questions and am on my way on the scarf! This exchange I avoided some of my "new knitter" mistakes and planned WAY ahead so I could start early. I was very excited and picked a pattern I'll probably use to make a scarf for myself and my friends/family at some point I love it so much. And I even went to my local yarn store and got REAL yarn - no Jo-Ann or Michael's yarn for me! I was so excited and the ladies wound it up in real center pull balls for me. I was in love with the project just from that! Working with the yarn has been great and the pattern is showing up nicely.
December is a REALLY busy time for me. I have one more week of classes in my first semester of law school! Then two weeks of finals (nicely split up - I have 4 finals and only one a day on tues/fri of the 2 weeks) and a month off! I plan to get knitting done on the scarf during study breaks, and then really plug away and finish it during my winter break and be able to get the mittens done and started too. I'm must happier with the pattern and yarn(s) I've chosen this time and so am super excited everytime I work on it! I will post pictures here and to my site sometime this up coming week once I am done running around for the holidays and finally take everything off my camera!
Hope everyone is having a great exchange too! I see some are done already - sheesh! I wish I was that fast lol.
P.S. - I see we have two Rebeccas so to keep things straight I'm going to post my website at the bottom of my posts ;)
Ripening Pepper - Rebecca's Site