Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thank you, Pennie!

Sorry so long in posting the picture, but I finally got dh outside with the digicam yesterday. I thought that was appropriate, as I wanted to say thank you again on Thanksgiving Day.
I'm warm and toasty, even at -18 degrees F (the high for the day at Biddy Hollow Farm in Two Rivers, Alaska). You can see that the sun was already setting at about 1:45 p.m.
And I'm much, much happier than I might look: dh was taking a lot of time to get everything "just right," which means my smile was a tiny bit faded by the time he did. But I love love love this scarf. I haven't ever had a scarf I was willing to wear more than once or twice, but I've had this one on every single day since I received it.
Thanks again, Pennie, for helping me stay warm. Thanks also to my knittee, Michelle-Nicholle, for giving me an opportunity to knit something I otherwise wouldn't have. Thanks to everyone else who knit so beautifully and posted pix of gorgeousness, adding many years' worth of work to my list of "I wanna knits." And thanks especially to our amazing hostesses for herding this bunch of cats.
ISE3 was one of the highlights of my year.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It's gone!
I haven't received my scarf yet, although my pal says it's on its way. I know it's coming from I can't wait to see what the mailman brings me!!
Hostesses: Thank you.
Knitters: I've loved seeing all the great scarves on here. I hope that I get into the next ISE!!
To those of you who've had bad experiences...I feel for you, as I've been there. Try not to let it jade your disposition or view of exchanges...there are wonderful people out here!
To M. M., in Australia
I didn't get your scarf out in time, but you have been so understanding. Your package should be arriving any day now, as I sent it out about a week and a half ago, and the US PO said roughly two weeks. I thought you'd rather know. I really appreciate how understanding and forgiving you've been, and I hope you adore your package.
Not so secret,
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Yay, Kate got her scarf AND I finally have pictures
I finally got the pictures downloaded from my camera, so I can also show off the great scarves that Deborah sent to me.

And finally, here is the great skein of gorgeous blue and purlple hand-spun yarn that Deborah included! The picture doesn't do it justice, nor does it really show how soft and lustrous it is! Thanks again, Deborah! What a fabulous package!

Scarf from Heather

Monday, November 20, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
My sea sweet scarf
I can't wait to wear it to work tomorrow. I will try to send along a picture (as soon as I find the digi camera). We are over wintering on the sailboat, and are in the midst of turning her from a sailing craft into a 35 foot "one bedroom apartment".
Again, thank you Emma, down made this a wonderful experience for me. And thank you too, to my dear scarf receiver, Katja --- I hope I get to meet both of you, someday. Stay in touch, please.