Who doesn't love Barry White?
Oh. Off topic. So... I've seen in some comments that some of you are anxious to start a third round of the int'l scarf exchange. Celia and I have been discussing when/if we're ready to host yet another scarf exchange. Here's what we've come up with so far:
1) If we host another, we're waiting until after Celia is done with her wedding craziness (in about 2 months.. add a third month for honeymoon and settling in).
2) If we host another, we'll probably need some volunteers to help us with organizing. We had about 35 people in the first exchange, and almost a hundred of you here in the second exchange!
3) We need to wait until this exchange is truly over. Meaning, everyone got what they bargained for, and we know who didn't end up holding up to their part of the exchange. Chasing up scarves can take up to 6 weeks after the close of the exchange.
4) we may decide that we both need a rest from hosting the exchange... in which case we would open up the hostessing spot to whomever has the time and interest to host the next round!
Please be patient with us as Celia and I finish up dealing with this round. We will keep you all informed via this blog of any happenings!