Welcome everyone!
We now have 15 participants, including Cynthia and me. We are working out a questionaire and a proper sign up process. This is what I
think is going to happen. (emphasis on THINK)
In order to make sure nobody is missed out, information is easily accessible and nobody is stalked by weirdos, here's the suggestion
1. Post your answers to the questionaire here on the blog (apart from your postal and email address). Use your name/handle as the title of the post. That way, the person making yur scarf can easily refer to this blog to find the info they need. It will also be fun to see what everyone else likes/dislikes.
2. Send an email to us (at the scarf exchange admin email address which we will tell you together with the questionaire) with your name, postal address and email address. This info will be forwarded by email to your scarf maker.
In the mean time, while waitg for Cynthia and I to work out the finer details, this is what you can do
1. Tell us which group you want to be in, if you haven't already done so. There are two groups - scarf only and combo (scarf/mittens or scarf/hat). For those who choose to be in the combo, please indicate whether you prefer to receive a hat or mittens or don't care. We will try our best to match you with someone wishing to make the same. Mittens, I think, take much longer to make than a hat.
2. Tell your friends, families, pets, strangers, enemies, random person, etc about the scarf exchange. The more the merrier right? This is of course, optional. It will be greatly appreciated, though, if you do advertise for us. The last time we did this, the majority of participants were from the USA. This is not a bad thing, don't get me wrong. However, it IS the
International scarf exchange, and the more people we have from different countries, the better it would be, right?
Thank you to all who are participating. those of you thinking about it, stop thinking and hop in! It's going to be fun!
Members so far
Scarf Only Celia
Scarf and hat/mittensChrissie (hat or mittens?)
Cynthia - Cyncyn (mittens)
Michelle (hat or mittens?)
Colette (hat)
Krystofer - Impossible Princess(hat)
Stripey Tiger