This is harder than I had expected!
I am about to make yet another start on my exchange scarf tonight. When I signed up for this I had in mind to make another original design, like I did last time, and had it all planned out, with only final colour decisions to make. But my lade, who lives in the US and sounds really lovely, had requirements that contradicted almost everything I had decided on! I was going to use a variety of different yarns, and she only wanted soft natural fibres - fair enough, but some of what I had intended to use would have come under her heading of no-nos. And she had chosen solid over variegated. I, who only knit with variegated!
I really, really tried to suit all those requirements, plus colour. But after ripping out three starts with some lovely soft wool I had in my stash I have decided that I hate the pattern I was trying to knit, and I really don't like knitting with just one coloured yarn. Pathetic, I know!
To cut a long story short, I hope she won;t hate me that the scarf has a few colours in it - they are all colours she should like. But I think she will like the feel of the yarn. I think it is going to be more of spring scarf than a mid winter one, but if I post it in February from Australia it will be almost early spring by the time she gets it in America.
I really, really tried to suit all those requirements, plus colour. But after ripping out three starts with some lovely soft wool I had in my stash I have decided that I hate the pattern I was trying to knit, and I really don't like knitting with just one coloured yarn. Pathetic, I know!
To cut a long story short, I hope she won;t hate me that the scarf has a few colours in it - they are all colours she should like. But I think she will like the feel of the yarn. I think it is going to be more of spring scarf than a mid winter one, but if I post it in February from Australia it will be almost early spring by the time she gets it in America.
I was in the EXACT same predicament myself! Well, this will force us to think "outside the box" and have a chance to knit in a way that we might not usually knit.
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