Saturday, February 11, 2006
Making Progress

Here is a closeup of the scarf I've been working on. It's the Butterfly Scarf from the Knitting 1-2-3 booklet found in the grocery stores back in November. The booklet appears to be available here for $3.99.
The picture does not show the color of the yarn very well. It is actually a lovely sea foam green. The yarn is an alpaca blend and is very soft. This is my first time knitting with beads and I love the effect. The scarf is about 2/3 done and I'm hoping to finish it up next week on a business trip so I can get it in the mail on February 18th.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Shipping Off

Hi, I apologize for not posting last month. However, I've been knitting away on my exchange and ran out of yarn. I tried ordering it online but they had it on back-order. I called around several shops until I found it. So I picked it up, and I finished the second mitten. I'll have it in the mail tomorrow. Here's a preview of what the yarn looks like. I really hope my pal likes what I've selected for her.
I've enjoyed watching everyone's progress and all the gifts look lovely. Thanks to Celia and CynCyn for hosting a great swap.
Getting There!

My scarf pal knows I'm a bit behind in finishing her scarf, but I did want to post an update. I'm working hard on the scarf, but still have a few feet to go. Trying to make it by the deadline, but if I don't quite make it, I'll have it done shortly after.
I work on it every day, but it's still slow going for me! I'm not sure the color will show up in this picture right--it looks pretty orange to me in the picture, but in reality, it's a deep, rich copper color. This picture is before blocking, so it looks a bit scrunched up and the pattern hasn't really opened up yet. I'm having fun, just the same!
i swear it's coming
A Little Behind, But Still On The Job
I haven't received my scarf yet but every time I see a pic posted on the blog I hope it is for me! But not so far. There are some I REALLY REALLY want.
I have enjoyed both these exchanges and really hope there is another one soon!
Finally mailed...
Hi - after much messing around I have finally sent my scarf. I'm so sorry for it being late. It's been ready for ages. I kept looking at it saying "yep, I'll post it tomorrow". And kept putting it off. I think I liked it too much and had to keep it for a while longer!! I dyed my fleece first, then spun it (blends of Alpaca, Silk, Wool and Mohair).

My 3 year model - Liam - "oooh mummies special scarf, oooooh
don't touch" is all he could say as he was modelling!
I still haven't recieved mine but I think it's on the way. I still have no idea who I will be getting mine off. The original email had a very obscure email address and I have no idea. I religiously check all the blogs and if nothing else have enjoyed all the work of the talented people in this exchange. So much talent.
Thank-you so much Celia and CynCyn - you are great also. This is the second Exchange I have joined and have really enjoyed doing them as I don't normally knit scarves and have foind them a great was to relax and use up all those odd bits and pieces.
Thanks again JO in Oz
Have you received your scarf?
It's so nice to get to see all the lovely scarves that have been sent and received. Everytime I see someone post a finished scarf, I wonder, "Is that one for me?"
If you have received your scarf and haven't posted about it, please do so. Please don't leave your scarf maker wondering whether you have received it. We (as in Cyn and I) need to know too, so that we can mark your scarf knitter off the list as having fulfilled his/her part.
Some of you have not posted - you know who you are - and reminder notices have been sent. If you have posted in the past month and I have made an oopsy, please let me know and I will mark your name off the list.
Oh, and while I am posting, I may as well give an update on my scarf - it's been sent! Pal, you should be getting it some time next week, if whatthe post office says is true.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Thanks, MICHELLE - I got my parcel!

So here's the thing -- I live on a boat. It's a wonderful life, very unique and interesting. But there are times.... like when I get a parcel in the mail. We have a mailbox here in the marina, but it's just a little one, so they won't leave parcels. SO. Day before yesterday, I got a card in the mail telling me that I needed to pick up my parcel at a nearby postal outlet. I knew it had to be from my secret pal, so I was very excited! So I went there. They said it wasn't there, and that, according to the computer, the parcel had been 'returned' to the 'warehouse,' and that I should call again 'tomorrow', being yesterday. So yesterday I went again -- and you have no idea what a fiasco this is! It's right downtown, major traffic snarls, no parking anywhere, blah, blah, blah.... but I went, because, you know,I'd get my SCARF!
They said it still wasn't there. But the computer said it was 'on its way' and that I should check again today.
So I checked again today .... and I finally got it!!! Michelle, it's beautiful, AND it's perfect for me, thanks so much! Folks, I've included a close-up photo of the scarf so you can see the amazing cable detail in this piece, it's amazing...

I guess I'm done now -- I've sent my scarf and it's been received, and I've received mine, now. Thanks so much to the organizers, it was a blast!
Scarf and hat are off....
I really enjoyed doing this, and I hope that my scarf pal likes them. My one regret is that I didn't get a picture of me in the hat---I knit the kind of hat that I believe my pal would like, but on my larger and (I think, probably) older head, it was something of a hoot. Fingers crossed, though, that she will think it's perfect for her!
Best regards,
Kim in NJ
scarfing along
KNITTING on a deadline. I've finished knitting the scarf, and am weaving in the ends. I'm planning on mailing it out by this weekend, so check your mail next week!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Finito, Finit, Fertig, Af, FINISHED...
Here is a pic. I took it using the Sepia Effect on my camera. If my pal would see the color she'd guess it is for her and I want it to be a surprise :) Once she's received it I'll post a color pic.

Oh, one more little thing, dear pal, I won't be able to mail it before monday. I hope that is okay with you...
The pattern is the old favorite Feather and Fan...
Scarf finished!

So Very Sorry to be Late Updating
Anyway, I won't bored you with the details.
Just want to update that my scarf had been mailed out and received by my pal.
Looking forward to receiving mine, and the next exchange.
Thank you so very much to Cynthia & Celia for organizing another tremendously successful exchange.
It's Here!!!!!!!!!

I noticed that it was posted on the 3rd and it reached Sydney by the 8th. Now that's speedy!
I was so keen I opened it in the Post Office where it received many admiring looks and comments.
Thank you also for the colourful sock yarn.
I hope the scarf you receive provides you with as much pleasure as this has to me.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I received my scarf and hat!
Krystofer at Impossible Princess was my gifter. Thank you, Krys! My Mom and I would both love to know what pattern and yarn you used for the scarf? Mom wants the yarn information for a shell she wants to make and I want the pattern information because I want to make one to make as a Christmas gift for Mom. (Sssh. Don't tell her.)
Thanks again, Krys! *HUGS*
Scarf received!

Look at the extras - some chocolate and biscuits, gorgeous heart shaped stitch markers, knitting notelets, sock yarn and my scarf! It's knitted in Alpaca Silk DK weight, and is just so lovely. It'll be going home with me tonight, my current scarf is being abandoned here at work! More pics on the blog.
This has been a brilliant scarf exchange - some wicked scarves have been posted. I would have been pleased with all of them!
I'm getting a bit anxious about my gift that's winging its way across the pond, as I posted it nearly two weeks ago! I just hope it's because my pal hasn't gotten around to posting a comment, rather than the postman has lost it!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Worry worry
Absolutely thrilled; thank you Su!
This has been the most fun that I've had, participating in this exchange. Thank you to everyone who participated in it and the moderators, especially. Knitters are such wonderful people.