Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thanks, Lesley!
I went to a UFO night at my LYS, and am now a lot closer to being done with my pal's scarf. I think I can finish and have it on its way next week, especially if I go to the local SnB tomorrow night.
ALL this -- for ME?

Believe me, this picture does not tell the whole story -- my pal has been so much more to me than a knitter of fine scarf. How lucky am I? I feel like the rest of you may have gotten left out by not getting her for yourselves. I am grateful, more so than words can express.
Let me add, I felt this way BEFORE the postman dropped off a surprise today - see? Cherry Tree Hill yarn! SILK yarn! in MY colors? how on earth did she know? and yes, those are addi turbos peeking out...and a candle...and a tiny piece of yummy yarn to hint of my scarf...and postcards (to throw me off the scent?) Guess what - I haven't even gotten my scarf yet! All of this and a scarf yet to come? God is smiling on me! I wish I knew who you are, Wonderful, Thoughtful You. Thank you for brightening my day.
See the bright spot in the picture? That would be the sun and I took the photo this way on purpose - both to show my illuminating gratitude, and because sun shining in Michigan these days is scarce.
On its way
She's a Bad Swapper...
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Scarf That Would Not Grow
What do you all suggest? More sun? Water? What do scarves like to grow? Cold weather?
I am using Muench Touch Me Yarn. NICE STUFF! It is so soft and will feel terrific around the neck. It is coming along nicely. I hope I can get a decent photo when it is done.
Scarf done!
My scarf is finished and is being modeled by my beautiful Nana. This was a lot of fun and I hope that my pal enjoys her scarf. If not, she can send it back to me because my boyfriend seems very heartbroken that I am not keeping it! :)
Pattern: Melody Shawl from Morehouse Merino
Yarn: Knit Picks Gossemer in Blue Jeans
Time to knit: three weeks
Needles: Knit Picks Options US 10.5
Notes: This was a very easy pattern that was great for TV knitting. I am still amazed by the purled steeks and that I actually survived cutting my precious knitting. Whew!
I spun a warm and soft merino yarn and knit a small but pretty lace pattern. It was much fun.
Happy knitting to all of you.
Posting from the UK to the US
Many thanks in advance....Bernie

I don't know how well you can tell from the picture, but somehow I really messed up the lace column a couple of inches down from the top. I really did not want to rip out that much work, so I crossed my fingers and dropped the problem stitches down:

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH ! ! ! It is so freaky to see your work all mangled like that! Luckily, it really was an easy fix. I just knit the column of stitches back up using DPN's in a slightly smaller size. Now you can't even tell there was ever a mistake:

PHEW ! The only problem now... it did set me back a few days waiting to find the time and mindset to actually do the fix, so now I have to really push hard to catch up.
Keep on Truckin'
I have about 4 feet of scarf done, and my pal likes 6 to 7 foot long... so I will keep on truckin' till I get there. I am trying to hurry too - according to my pal's blog, they already got their first SNOW! I don't want my pal to be cold!
This Malabrigo is so nice to work with! I hope my pal likes the scarf ;)
Halfway there!

I've posted more pictures on my blog. I hope my pal will like this scarf!
Goofball. Thats me!
37 Degrees
Well, it was 37 degrees here in Melbourne as well yesterday. 37 degrees centigrade. Sweltering weather. Not particularly good for wearing scarves.
Postcard from Africa
Almost There
Anyway, as I have just recently moved to my new house, I won't be able to update much as I do not have internet connection at the moment. So please bear with me. I'm hoping to finish knitting the scarf by this weekend and off I go to get more goodies for my pal. Till then, hope you all have a good weekend.
What Fun!!
I have been wearing my scarf since I have gotten it. It is comfortable and the perfect colours!! Thanks again to my scarf pal....
Now .... when is the next exchange going to start??
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Long Lost Scarf SHOWES Up!

it sure helped brigthen up my bad week. I'll feeling a little better, but of course I'm scared about the finances. We will just have to wait and see how things go.
Now back to the good part.... my scarf by the wonderful Grace (needles 54) in Elann's Devon. Also send 4 skeins of Elann's Camel yarn and a cranberry soapbar.
Thank you !!!!!
Sure is scarf weather !
I am having trouble getting to a post office - the scarf is ready, and I want to include a few little "tidbits" - but I am aiming for tomorrow. So my Pal - I hope it arrives before you have snow !
I'll take some pictures and post them when I'm sure my package has been received.
Be warm - it's cold out there !
Heart Break
Finally Decided!

Here is the pattern
Hope you all like it
12-13sts*16 rows=10cm*10cm
Chain selveage:at beg of RS row hold yarn at front and slip edge st. purlwise;
before last st. bring yarn to front and slip last st. purlwise;
on WS rows k1st st. tbl, k last st.
cast 31 sts loosly and P1 WS row,
Chain selvedge, k1, *k2tog, yo, rep from *, k2, chain selvedge.
P all sts. and yos
Chain selvedge, 1 slip dec=(slip 1 knitwise, k1, pass slipped st. over), yo, *k2tog, yo, rep from *, k1, chain selvedge.
P all sts. and yos
Rep row1-4
scarf sent
Better late than never?
It is now 37 degrees Farenheit in Chicago, and I may be wearing the scarf as I knit it.............
Stay warm, and keep those needles clicking.................
I didn't get it done before the snow flew out here. Hello old man winter.
The scarf is done

It's not as bright as the photo shows. It's done blocking and now I've got to package it up with the other goodies and send it off.
Done + Dusted

I really enjoyed making this it was kind of a free form artwork. It took 3 balls of Noro Silk Garden and I'm really pleased with ho wtha Noro colour changes worked with the crochet structure. I'm a novice crocheter so I did not realise that it actually eats up the yarn more than knitting....

Now I just have to get it blocked and wrapped and its on its way..... To you ?? or you?? Or you??? :-) Stripey aka Sharon
I am a TRENDsetter!

This is just a quick post to let you all know that I received a scarf from Kelli Pendleton that is so beautiful. It is knitted in a drop stitch pattern out of Trendsetter Yarns, Yosemite from Italy. I love it. I came home at the end of a long day and there was my package. It was so wonderful to get it. I opened the package and put my new scarf on and spent the evening wearing it. I wore it to work the next day, and I wore it at an arts festival that I was doing. Thank you Kelli. It is getting cold here, and the water outside was frozen this morning. This is the perfect day to be wearing my new scarf. THANK YOU KELLI. We have a lot in common and I am pleased to meet you. Let's keep in touch!
For my patient UPSTREAM pal - Be patient just a little longer, as it is coming soon. I got the scarf wrapped nicely last night along with some other goodies that I think you will love. I can't wait for you to see it and to have it. It is in Lavender-Pink - colors you said you love.
It made me smile thinking that, so I wanted to say Thank You!!!
Picture, finally!

More pictures and details on my blog, knittingforsanity.
International Scarf Exchange

and wound up some yummy KnitPicks Alpaca Cloud in Tide Pool into this:

to make a knotted openwork scarf from. I'll start today once I've done some more of a shawl and job hunted and not wilted too much in the heat.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I got my scarf...
Cheers y'all, Eva - PS: I finished my scarf too YAY!!!! Just need to find a (catless) spot to block it :)
I got my scarf!!

I received it yesterday...and it snowed TODAY - how's that for timing? It's very lofty and warm - perfect for the upcoming Wisconsin winter! I had to post a picture of myself wearing it to really show how long it is - it will be great for a few wraps around the neck or even over the head - it will be named my official "walking" scarf to keep me warm during my lunchtime walks! Won't my walking friend be jealous??:) One more thing - my 6 year-old is also quite smitten with it - so I may have to tackle her to get it! Thank you to Knit-On Sunny and to the hostesses for the opportuniy to participate in the exchange. I just happened to mail my pal's package off yesterday - so I'm anxious to hear about that as well! Happy knitting!
Catch-up Post
New hostesses for some of you
I am catching up with checking your posts for September. If you receive an email from me saying I can't find your post, don't stress about it. Just let me know when you posted, and I'll go check and mark it off my list. If you missed posting in September, you will need to post at least twice in October. So, if you received one of my "I can't find your post" emails, just reply letting me know whether you posted and when, and under what name. Sometimes it's a bit hard to trace who goes by what name as your blogger names may differ from the name you used to sign up.
Iris, we wish you all the best. I am sure you're in our thoughts and many of us will be praying for you and your family.
Just Finished My Scarf
Yes, the scarf I made for my scarf exchangee on it's way to San Francisco. I came up with my own design, so I hope she likes it! spite of the puppy
To infinity and beyond!

Well, I'm finally at the last stage, blocking. I've gone from thinking about the scarf, thinking about the color, trying various designs, frogging various problems to finally saying I'm done - and early! Tomorrow, barring no impending disasters - sons spilling soda or such, she should be packed and off to my secret pal!
Next up, ITEII!
On the brighter side.... (pray that we can make ends meet, now no money guess we can loose weight) If anyone knows of anyone needing an illustrator let me know. I worked for an educational supplemental publisher for teachers. My art is cute and young looking for the preschool and early grade school area. I have an BFA in design and an expert in Creative Suite, Freehand, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Mac and Pc..... and was the Internet web page designer.
Thanks again for being my outlet. I guess now I have no friends and will have to make new and I know I have all my online knitting friends.
Oh yes, I guess I'll be selling my Barbie Doll collection and Tom Clark Gnomes.... if anyone is interested in what I have you can email me: knitsong at operamail dot com
thanks again for letting me chat. My husband is at work.... and the doggies only listen to so much.
Package is ALMOST ready
I need to cry....
Thanks to everyone for letting me vent...... I'm so sad.............
finished again!!

Jennifer now knows I am her ISE pal. The original scarf is lost in the mail and I am hoping will still make it to her home, I have learned there was a problem with the zip code so it has made a detour to Anapolis MD, whether she gets it or some one in MD is wearing a LovinComfort original I don't know. Tomorrow I will try again by sending out a Christmasy version of a scarf that appeared 2 winters ago in Creative Knitting. I hope you enjoy it Jennifer. Grace
What a pleasant surprise!
done and almost ready to send it out it is:

and a close-up of the pattern:

i'm getting my candy and stuff ready so that the package can be posted soon, maybe on friday. it has a long journey to go...wish i can go along with it!
I am so impressed!!!
Scarf Received!!!!
In my scarf knitting news -- I will be mailing my scarf off tomorrow. It will leave my hands and travel far to its new home!! I'll post all pics tomorrow. Promise!
Thanks again Charity!!!!!!!!!
Winging it's way......
This was so much fun to do. Thanks to the hostesses!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Finished with both!

So I took several scarf loving peoples advice and didn't overdye my first scarf. What I did do was make another, just incase it was too artys for my pal. The new scarf is made from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran. It's my own pattern of garter ridges, stockingknit, a few yo/k2tog rows and a seed stitch variation. I love it and the yarn so much that I'll be making another soon! The package with these two lovely scarves plus goodies will be shipped Saturday the 14th!
Another finished scarf!

I used a herribone stitch pattern on big needles. The yarn is similar to Malabrigo, single ply wool with lots of loft! I got it from a Uruguayan vendor on Ebay. It's sooo soft, I want a blanket out of this yarn!
Almost Ready!

I finally screwed up the courage to block this lovely. The first half is done and the second is drying as I type. I'm really pleased with the result and hope my pal loves it as much as I do! With luck, it will hit the mail by the end of the week as it must travel across the continent AND to another country! I am so excited to get my scarf; I'm sure my pal is too.
Gone, going, gone

Hope it makes my pal happy! (and warm!)
All Done!

I can't decide..... Which scarf should I send?
I made a scarf for my ISE pal in one of her favorite colors. I think it came out great. I used the Lace Leaf Scarf pattern by Loop-d-loop. I knitted in the softest red merino. The only thing is that its not what you would call a traditional scarf. Its more like a mini scarf or a decrative neck piece.

Here is a picture of the Loop-d-Loop pattern and what it might look like around my pals neck:

As you can see its shorter and thinner than your traditional scarf... this is why I am not sure whether or not my pal would like it. As a result, I started another scarf using to different colors of Malabrigo. This is also being knitted in a lace pattern but it fits the traditional scarf criteria.

Here they are side by side...

What say you? Should I send her the red one, or the blue one? or both?
Pretty in Pink

I hope it is up to scratch - there are a few little glitches here and there (please don't look too close at the grafting) but it drapes beautifully and feels soft and smooth against the skin
Soon it will be off across the Pacific Ocean to someone's Winter. I hope it brings them joy and delight.
Finished and Smarter

Well, after much help from our coordinators, I finally figured out to post to the blog. It took me so long to figure it out that I started and finished the scarf. I did a new stitch for me-cables-which was fun, but I wish I had done it first in a solid color first so I could see the cable better as it developed. This is not a great picture, but the cable shows much better in real life. Oh, well.
I will get the scarf off to my pal here in the next few days.
Thanks for all the help .
Ready to go in the mail
Almost Done!!