Saturday, January 14, 2006
Just saying hi - I finished my scarf and sent it off before Christmas, so now I'm just enjoying seeing which ones are left, and wondering which one will be mine - tbh I think I may have guessed, but I'm not going to say, just in case I'm wrong - I thought I'd worked it out right at the start, but I was definitely wrong that time. We'll see! There are some beautiful scarves on here - I love feeling part of it all.
Loving these Scarves!
Everyone is doing an awesome job - wow! I can't wait to see what my pal is making for me! I'm still working on my scarf, I'm about 1/3 of the way there and it's going nicely, minus a dropped stitch and a little bit of ripping the other night - grrrrr. I'll post pics soon!
on the right track
So, I think I'm finally on the right track for the scarf... I've been trying out different ideas, but none of them seemed right to me. Oh well, I can knit fast! :)
Friday, January 13, 2006
I had a change of heart...

I decided after I had knit about 5 or 6 inches of my Backyard Leaves scarf that I wasn't liking the look. So it got tossed into the frog pond. I plan on making one someday, it's a great pattern, but not when I have a deadline! I did decide on a new yarn and pattern, Rio de la Plata and My So Called Scarf, and cast on last weekend. This is much better!!! It has been so fun looking at what everyone is making. It's all so unique and different! I can't wait to see what shows up in my mailbox!
On the needles at last!

Handmaiden "Lady Godiva" (50/50 silk and wool) and the Little Leaf Scarf pattern. I can hardly believe I've actually cast on. The biggest issue (next to crazy-hectic life) was committing to a pattern. And when I did, the yarn I had originally chosen (Peruvian Collection Sierra from elann) didn't want to be that pattern. And that brings us up to now, several hours later. I'm also a few inches further along than this picture from just before noon shows. I don't work again until Thursday (woo!) so I hope to get in a few more minutes of knitting time in the next few days.
You're not the last to cast on, I am!
I'll be ordering the yarn this weekend. After a lot of agonizing, I've decided to make the Super Mittens from Weekend Knitting with Classic Elite's Marl La and a scarf out of Classic Elite Inca Alpaca in a coordinating solid. This is after coming close to buying but then rejecting Cherry Trill Hill Supersock Glitz (or whatever they call it). I heard really bad things about CTH colors fading and sucky customer service, so I'm going to be safe and go with what I know.
Now, I can't say what colors, because there are so few of us doing scarf & mittens that I think it would give the game away. I'm not 100% on the scarf pattern, but I'm probably going to use the Braided Cable Scarf by Miriam Felton.
Don't feel bad, I am a much bigger procrastinator than you - but I like to force myself to work under pressure. It's good for my soul or something. :-b
Now, I can't say what colors, because there are so few of us doing scarf & mittens that I think it would give the game away. I'm not 100% on the scarf pattern, but I'm probably going to use the Braided Cable Scarf by Miriam Felton.
Don't feel bad, I am a much bigger procrastinator than you - but I like to force myself to work under pressure. It's good for my soul or something. :-b
So. Now that things are oh-so-slightly (but not much) quieter around my house I plan to cast on for my scarf this morning. I know I'm pushing late but life got in the way. I will do my best to turn out a scarf that my pal will love! I'll keep you posted of the progress.

It's too hot to model this at the moment so I'm going to pop it into the post ASAP so it can spread its warmth and furriness to full effect.

Thursday, January 12, 2006
I have finally bought the yarn, picked the pattern and started the scarf. I must be the last person to start a scarf!
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk
Pattern: Vintage velvet from Scarf Style
Front & back views - see how the scarf is reversible?

Yarn: Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk
Pattern: Vintage velvet from Scarf Style
Front & back views - see how the scarf is reversible?

Thank you, Fiona
This week suddenly is full of time-consuming distractions, but I do want to thank Fiona Morris for my Stitch Diva Curlicue Ruffle Scarf, pictured below, thoughtful card with scarf-clad bicyclist (I identify completely!), not pictured, and the tasty sweets, already devoured.

(Da Vinci Code aficionados will notice that the scarf is artfully arranged in an M shape in honor of its maker.)
The scarf is made entirely of variegated ribbon yarn: ladder ribbon for the body and "regular" ribbon for the edging. Incredible to relate, it has a remarkable amount of weight and body – the ruffles are sharply defined and not the least bit limp. The crisp texture, bright pink color, and rayon flash are just the things to enliven a dull winter's day (or night). I tend to think of ribbon as trim or a carry-along yarn and must confess myself amazed by its possibilities.
I'm also amazed by this coincidence: I was Fiona's scarf gifter in the first round of the Scarf Exchange. Surprises abound!

(Da Vinci Code aficionados will notice that the scarf is artfully arranged in an M shape in honor of its maker.)
The scarf is made entirely of variegated ribbon yarn: ladder ribbon for the body and "regular" ribbon for the edging. Incredible to relate, it has a remarkable amount of weight and body – the ruffles are sharply defined and not the least bit limp. The crisp texture, bright pink color, and rayon flash are just the things to enliven a dull winter's day (or night). I tend to think of ribbon as trim or a carry-along yarn and must confess myself amazed by its possibilities.
I'm also amazed by this coincidence: I was Fiona's scarf gifter in the first round of the Scarf Exchange. Surprises abound!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I had Fun!

Well my gal now has her scarf. I read her blog and she thinks the colors were so her.
I am so glad you liked it Jennifer. This was a great knitting challenge. To knit for someone else! I would love to do it again. I will be lurking and reading the blog and making my list for new projects. There are so many Ideas out there.

Happy Knitting
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Back and forth

Can you tell I'm having fun?
This is one of those patterns, like Clapotis, that is pure genius in its simplicity (I've already figured out how to tell exactly what to do next just by looking at the work, so I can put it down and pick it up at will, and until I get to the final decrease section, I can take it with me wherever I go without having to worry about remembering to take or needing to endlessly check the pattern), and yet somehow continues to be endlessly entertaining. This was all I was planning on doing today before letting myself move on to something else (I usually get bored easily, and so I keep a variety of projects going so I can keep making progress), but I want to keep working on it, so I'll probably get at least one more repeat in today.
Well, now that I've had my fun with revealing the way the pattern is developing and you all can see what's going on (and since allison asked :) ...
The pattern is Kureopatora's Snake, by Kim at String or Nothing. If you've never visited her blog before, I highly recommend checking out her Reference Shelf in the sidebar. She's an amazing source of all kinds of technical details and analysis. Well worth reading on a regular basis.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Finally Getting Started
After starting a few different patterns, and ripping them all out, I think I might have finally figured out what will work. Here's a picture to give you a small sneak-peek of what I've been up to.

Changing Directions
It's a new year (happy new year, all!) and this is my second post to this group blog.
As perhaps is appropriate this time of year and after much indecision, I'm changing directions – in more ways than one. Instead of using Malabrigo Pagoda and a chunky cable pattern for my pal's scarf, I'm using Noro New Ruby colorway 4 and Iris Schreier's Multidirectional Triangle Scarf pattern. Here's a progress photo.

The scarf pattern makes intriguing use of the multidirectional technique, resulting in alternating triangles. Noro yarns seem to be made for MD knitting and New Ruby – a new-to-me cotton blend yarn that has a lovely soft hand, beautiful sheen, and gorgeous color – is no exception. I'm pleased by the way the blocks of color are working out, particularly that the color runs repeat on alternate triangles. Eisaku Noro is a colorway genius!
The plan is to mail the scarf the first week in February. I hope my pal likes it – the photo doesn't really do it justice. If not, I'd bemore than willing very happy to take this one back. [Grin]
As perhaps is appropriate this time of year and after much indecision, I'm changing directions – in more ways than one. Instead of using Malabrigo Pagoda and a chunky cable pattern for my pal's scarf, I'm using Noro New Ruby colorway 4 and Iris Schreier's Multidirectional Triangle Scarf pattern. Here's a progress photo.

The scarf pattern makes intriguing use of the multidirectional technique, resulting in alternating triangles. Noro yarns seem to be made for MD knitting and New Ruby – a new-to-me cotton blend yarn that has a lovely soft hand, beautiful sheen, and gorgeous color – is no exception. I'm pleased by the way the blocks of color are working out, particularly that the color runs repeat on alternate triangles. Eisaku Noro is a colorway genius!
The plan is to mail the scarf the first week in February. I hope my pal likes it – the photo doesn't really do it justice. If not, I'd be
What's this?
Finally, FINALLY I get to start my scarf! I finished my holiday knitting last night (well, unless I decide to tweak it a little, but I'm still deciding, and it should be an easy fix)... including a knit gift for a mid-January birthday, which is why it drug on so far beyond Christmas.
So, now I finally got to start on the scarf. Here's a picture, although I can all but guarantee that this gives you no idea whatsoever what the finished product will look like. The next bit changes everything up. I'm going to have fun watching it develop!

- Leisel
So, now I finally got to start on the scarf. Here's a picture, although I can all but guarantee that this gives you no idea whatsoever what the finished product will look like. The next bit changes everything up. I'm going to have fun watching it develop!

- Leisel
Sunday, January 08, 2006
knit frog knit frog
I have been working on my scarf and although I see a few that have finished theirs already, I seem to be having trouble with the one that I am working on. I have started and frogged it about 20 times. I get about a foot into it and realize that I really dont like the way it is turning out. Right now the yarn is sitting in a ball and the needles are quiet.
i'm barely starting...
I'm barely starting on my scarf and hat. But no worries, i'm a fast knitter and i'll have it done! hehe. i had a busy busy christmas holiday..finishing up scarves and hats for my family. but the holidays are over! (whoo-hooo! thank goodness!). hope everyone had a great new year.
I've finished
International Scarf Exchange
Hi all - I have finished. I am so happy with my scarf. I love it. Will definately be doing one for myself. I started with a blend of Alpaca, Merino and silk, dyed it to my ISE2 likes and then spun it and knitted it. So much fun. I will post a photo when it is on its way to my pal.
Hope the rest of you have enjoyed this as much as me!
Thanks JO
Hi all - I have finished. I am so happy with my scarf. I love it. Will definately be doing one for myself. I started with a blend of Alpaca, Merino and silk, dyed it to my ISE2 likes and then spun it and knitted it. So much fun. I will post a photo when it is on its way to my pal.
Hope the rest of you have enjoyed this as much as me!
Thanks JO
Scarf Progress..
Well, after my third yarn purchase and pattern selection, I finally found something that I think my scarf pal will love. Well, I hope he/she does anyway! I present:

Irish Hiking Scarf, in a Camel coloured Alpaca
I grabbed five balls of the Classic Alpaca in a lovely camel colour for my Scarf Pal, and while I’m about two balls done, I doubt I will be using all of them, primarily because though my pal wanted a long scarf, he/she lives in a fairly warm climate and won’t need anything to bundle up in. With the two balls done, I think it's at just over 2.75 feet,
To me the Irish Hiking Scarf is absolutely beautiful in the alpaca, and I very well may make one for myself! When I first saw the pattern I couldn't help but picture it in a nice, very yummy yarn, and I think this one works great!

Irish Hiking Scarf, in a Camel coloured Alpaca
I grabbed five balls of the Classic Alpaca in a lovely camel colour for my Scarf Pal, and while I’m about two balls done, I doubt I will be using all of them, primarily because though my pal wanted a long scarf, he/she lives in a fairly warm climate and won’t need anything to bundle up in. With the two balls done, I think it's at just over 2.75 feet,
To me the Irish Hiking Scarf is absolutely beautiful in the alpaca, and I very well may make one for myself! When I first saw the pattern I couldn't help but picture it in a nice, very yummy yarn, and I think this one works great!