Saturday, November 12, 2005

Scarf only: CatherineK

1. Catherine Kerth
2. Scarf only
4. blog URL
5. mailing address (which they can send to their pal separately) - not
to be posted on the blog
6. Colours you like earth tones pinks and pastels.....
7. colours you hate neaons and really bright colors
8. fibres you like anything! i leave it up to the partners imagination!
9 . fibres you hate/allergies i don't like eyleysh and some novelties
10. prefered scarf length half scarf... i live in the south don't need a super long scarf....
13. solid or variegated? both are great!!! be creative:)
14. cables or lace? either!
15. miscellaneous info (including if you would like the chance to have a crocheted scarf) make me anything!!!! i will love it!!!!


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