Saturday, November 12, 2005

Scarf only: Reina

1. Reina Geddie Handle: Reina

2. Scarf Only

4. blog URL

6. Colours you like
Rich colours, Earth tones

7. colours you hate
Pastels.. One more time, pastels.

8. fibres you like
Soft and durable!

9 . fibres you hate/allergies
Anything scratchy or novelty yarn. I despise novelty yarn.

10. prefered scarf length
Being me, I prefer long scarves, being in the south, thin scarves too. No
need for huge bulky stuff.

13. solid or variegated?
I do like some solids, and some variegated. Have fun with it. I love
handpainted stuff ( is my personal weakness), but some
stuff with slightly heathered looks are great too. Just choose whatever you
think I'd like and I'm sure I'll love it!

14. cables or lace?
Typically speaking, cables are a little bulkier than I go for. There are
some great cable scarf patterns though. I guess if I had to choose, lace.
But not hyper girly or anything.

15. miscellaneous info (including if you would like the chance to have a
crocheted scarf)
Crocheted is a-okay! Actually one of my favourite scarves that I'm going
to learn to crochet for is that trellis flower scarf from Scarf Style.


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