Saturday, November 12, 2005

Scarf only: JulieS (Stingdragon)

1.Julie Sprague/Stingdragon

2. scarf only

4. blog URL

6. Colours you like
jewel tones

7. colours you hate
"muddy" colors (though hate is a strong word)

8. fibres you like
pretty much any natural fiber

9 . fibres you hate/allergies
I dislike lopi in particular. I am not allergic to any fibers or anything I can think of that you might send as a gift.

10. prefered scarf length
Long enough to wrap around your neck and dangle on each side. I think that's about 60 inches.

13. solid or variegated?

14. cables or lace?

15. miscellaneous info (including if you would like the chance to have a crocheted scarf) My winter coat is tan.


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