Saturday, November 12, 2005

Scarf only: Fiona

1. Fiona Morris
2. Scarf only
6. Colours you like
I am an Autumn. I especially wear chocolate and teal/turquoise, red, coral pink, olive
7. colours you hate
Blue based pinks (Barbie pink), Black, Navy and most blues except teals and turquoises, Emerald green, lemon yellow,
8. fibres you like
wool, silk, alpaca, some man-mades depending on itchiness.
9 . fibres you hate/allergies
not mad on eyelash yarns

10. prefered scarf length
pretty short – 1.5m maximum.

13. solid or variegated?
14. cables or lace? neither
15. miscellaneous info (including if you would like the chance to have a crocheted scarf)
I would like to be able to make a felt scarf. Don’t mind if the one I receive is knitted, crocheted or felted.


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