Monday, November 14, 2005

Scarf only: Jae

1. Name & blogger handle - Jae Koscierzynski & no blog (yet - I hope to have
one by the end of Nov)
2. Scarf only
6. Colours you like - Blue, purple, green - jewel tones
7. colours you hate - pastels
8. fibres you like - mostly wool
9 . fibres you hate/allergies - I don't think I've run into any that I
really dislike
10. prefered scarf length - long, atleast 4 feet. But that's just my
preference - I have a few shorter scarves as well.
13. solid or variegated? - either
14. cables or lace? - either
15. miscellaneous info (including if you would like the chance to have a
crocheted scarf) - I'm not very picky. I knit because I like yarn and I use
knitting as an excuse to buy more.


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