Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Last day of October...

The exchnage is coming to an end. I'd liketo remind everyone of the rules of this exchange. You must post once in September and once in October. Please don't forget to post before the end of October (tonight!). If you are in my group, and I can't find your October post, you would have received an email from me. If you have posted already, just send me an email letting me know when that was and what name you used.

Also, I have seen a lot of posts about scarves that have been sent and the sender soes not know whether they have been received. If you have received your scarf and not posted about it, please do so immediately. Also, please make sure you email your scarf knitter to let them know you have received your scarf.

If you have not sent off your scarf, please let your recipient know it will be late. Please let us know as well so that we can mark it on our list. Non-communication can end up with you being on the banned list, and we wouldn't want that.

Thank you, everyone, for participating in this exchange. Hope all of you had fun.. I sure did!


Blogger Dorene said...

To the organizers,

Thank you for all the hard work that you graciously give to this exchange. The ISE is the best of the best. Thank you for allowing another successful exchange to happen. I am SO looking forward to the next.

To my fellow exchangees,

This group of participants have got to be the most enthusiastic and creative that I have ever seen. The scarves that were exchanged were fabulous. This was a wonderful opportunity to spread one's wings and try new and different things. It was a pleasure seeing so many people do just that. All the projects were superb. Kudos to all you knitters on a job well done.

2:17 PM  

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