it happened. i got cocky. i knit and i knit and i knit and i didn't put in lifelines... and i screwed up... fortunately i was able to rip back only one repeat on one half of the scarf ad salvage it. i have noidea how i got the stitches back on the needles. but i did it. whew. ok. back to knitting. 5 more repeats. on two sides. thats 50 rows each side. and i'm done. i can dot it! i think i can i think i can...unles the sock wars pattern gets posted and then the scarf goes on to stitch holders cause i'm gonna need those needles for socks!!!
edit. i was waiting til the camera batteries charged to take a photo to post with the above and welll...i kinda got carried away knitting on my scarf. see first i realized how little yarn i had left. there wasnt even a whole pattern repeat there i just knew it.

and before i knew it the edge was cast off. my needles lying off to the side ignored...

the pattern useless i was done with it.

the sock tote i've been using for a month to keep the scarf safe...empty

the next thing i knew the waste yarn i so carefully cast on with was alone lying on the arm of the couch

you know what that means.
thats a finished scarf. kinda looks like crumbled spider webs eh?

but fear not the scarf is blocking. its doubled over since my blocking board is only 48 inches wide. i will reveal the finihed (dry) product as soon as i can.

whew. it's finished at last, and i can hardly believe it! my first lace. done. and not a moment too soon. i was really getting tired of ths pattern ;) but i love how it turned out.
edit. i was waiting til the camera batteries charged to take a photo to post with the above and welll...i kinda got carried away knitting on my scarf. see first i realized how little yarn i had left. there wasnt even a whole pattern repeat there i just knew it.

and before i knew it the edge was cast off. my needles lying off to the side ignored...

the pattern useless i was done with it.

the sock tote i've been using for a month to keep the scarf safe...empty

the next thing i knew the waste yarn i so carefully cast on with was alone lying on the arm of the couch

you know what that means.
thats a finished scarf. kinda looks like crumbled spider webs eh?

but fear not the scarf is blocking. its doubled over since my blocking board is only 48 inches wide. i will reveal the finihed (dry) product as soon as i can.

whew. it's finished at last, and i can hardly believe it! my first lace. done. and not a moment too soon. i was really getting tired of ths pattern ;) but i love how it turned out.
This scarf is really lovely. I can't wait to see the final "reveal" of the blocked and beautiful results.
Hurray for you!!
Fabulous! Great color, and only wish we could see the pattern close-up. Congrats on a major accomplishment! It is beautiful.
That scarf is just lovely! The color is great!!
Wow. That's glorious. Your first lace, huh? Wow.
I'm impressed you managed to use that type of yarn for your first lace project. I can't seem to manage much beyond eyelets with sticky laceweight mohair type yarns. It's a beautiful color and a lovely scarf.
thanks to you all! i'll be posting apost blockign photo when i get home.
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