Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I'm Lisa, I've participated in other knitting exchanges in the past, but this is my first International Scarf Exchange. I'm really looking forward to this exchange. Also, as a professional computer geek by day, I'd be happy to help anyone with HTML issues.

Here's a tutorial for all to see:

The code will look like this in your blog template for your button, if you choose to add one to your blog/journal/etc. (click to see a larger image):

Tag translations:
What the heck is a "tag" you ask? Well, HTML includes a series of text "tags" that describe how a Web page is formatted. Each tag appears inside brackets (<>).

  • The target="_blank" tag opens the ISE3 blog in a new window. You don't have to include this.
  • The border="0" sets the image on the page without a border, but if you want a thick border, increase the number.
  • The width and height tags allow you to set the size of the image so that it's smaller than the original image size.
  • The li tag formats the items in the side bar as a list. This tag is not necessary, but something Blogger likes, and makes the individual items display in a uniform layout.

***NOTE: Please remember that there are no spaces within the tags, at all. Also, remember the " " quotes around the actual URLs (links addresses). Blogger and Word keep translating my HTML so that's why it looks like I forgot the " before my image link in my example.

Any other questions, I'd be happy to help.


Blogger stephanie said...

You are a gem! Thanks for 'splaining things. Maybe I can now get things to work... -stephanie

6:31 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

you were sent by the ether gods no doubt.

I started my blog this weekend past and already I'm ready to proclaim that the blog has eaten my knitting! Figuring out this html is a pain in the #%$@! and I used to program in assembler 1,000 years ago!

3:41 AM  

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